WhatsApp is new solution for connecting people ~ Jepara central java is beutifull place

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

WhatsApp is new solution for connecting people

What is whatsApp???

WhatsApp is messenger application that is similar in basic smartphone with BlackBerryMessenger. WhatsApp Messenger is a cross-platform messaging application that allowsyou to exchange messages without paying for SMS, as WhatsApp Messenger uses the same Internet data plan for email, web browsing, etc., so do not use the fee to be able tostay in touch. WhatsApp Messenger application is sending a message that uses 3G orWiFi connection to communicate without the cost. By using WhatsApp, we can chat, filesharing, etc.

Some of the advantages using WhatsApp:

1. Not only is the text: WhatsApp has a feature to send pictures, video, sound, and GPSlocation via GPS or Gmaps hardware. The media can directly be displayed and is not alink.
2. Integrated into the system: WhatsApp, like sms, no need to open an application toreceive a message. Notification of incoming messages when the phone is off will still be delivered if the phone is on.
3. Status Message: - Red Jam for the loading process on our HP - Signs Check if a message is sent to the network - double check mark if the message is sent to a chatfriend. - Red Cross if a message fails
4. Broadcats and Group chat: Broadcast to send a message to many users. Group chatto send messages to fellow members of the community.
5. Efficient Bandwidth: Since integrated with the system, then no need to login andloading contact / avatar, so that the data transactions more efficient. Applications can be turned off, and only active if there is an incoming message, so they can save Batrei

 Due to excess fuel compared WhatsApp, Nokia also launched the WhatsAppMessenger. WhatsApp Messenger is the next generation of OVI Chat previously beenpresent with the latest generation of Nokia mobile phones. WhatsApp Messengerpresence is expected to be able to chat to compete with the service user's BlackBerrygadgets are BlackBerry Messenger (BBM)

 But what makes it different from Internet WhatsApp Messenger that exist today areWhatsApp using customer number as the username, e-mail instead. So, if you have acellular phone number, Telkomsel, XL, Indosat, and 3 (Tri), you can enjoy this application. In addition WhatsApp Messenger makes it different from the BlackBerryMessenger is we do not need to ask for a PIN, Add and waiting approval, provided weknow the handphone number so we can directly chat with our friends. If the phonenumber is already in the phonebook then that person will automatically become ourfriend on WhatsApp Messenger is so we do not bother to add to her again.

if you interested you can download in here


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