December 2011 ~ Jepara central java is beutifull place

Karimun java

Publications including the beautiful islands in Indonesia are located in Jepara area. Publications included in the district of Jepara, Central Java on the northern coast of Java.


Portuguese fort, is a historical fort located in the village Banyumanis adjacent to the village of Ujung Batu, District Keling, Jepara regency, Central Java Province. It is said that the fortress is built in the year 1613-1645 Government Mataram as the central defense to repel the enemy coming from the Java Sea.

Waterfall songgo langit

Perhaps the story that this place will make the ageless for visitors who do the washing up or bathing. Songgo langit means supporting the sky or in a language called Java nyonggo sky. So named because when viewed from below, the waterfall is like supporting the sky.

Beauty of bunaken

Bunaken is one of Indonesia's most famous diving and snorkeling areas and it draws visitors from all over the world. In addition to banana-shaped Bunaken Island itself, the 890 km2 of marine national park includes the neighboring islands of Manado Tua.

Mantingan mosque and grave

Mantingan Mosque is an ancient mosque in the village of Mantingan, District Annual, Jepara regency, Central Java. The mosque was reportedly established in the Sultanate of Demak.Founded by a high floor tiles covered with Chinese-made, and likewise with the railroad-undakannya. All imported from Macao. Building including the roof ridge is a Chinese style.

Monday, December 26, 2011

Supernatural serial tv session 1-7

binggung mau download film supernatural????
jangan kuatir saya akan menyediakan link yang bisa anda download bagi penggemar film supernatural...:-)
tapi sebelum itu ini ada sinopsis dari semua season dari 1-7
Supernatural (musim 1)
Musim Satu terdiri dari 22 episode yang ditayangkan di Amerika Serikat awal September 13, 2005, dan berakhir 4 Mei 2006. Enam belas episode pertama ditayangkan pada hari Selasa di 9:00 sore, di mana seri ini dijadwal ulang ke hari Kamis. [120]Setelah kematian ibu mereka dalam kebakaran mencurigakan yang terbakar rumah mereka, Dean dan Sam Winchester hidup di jalan dengan ayah mereka saat mereka tumbuh dewasa. Tahun berlalu dan anak laki-laki tim untuk menemukan ayah mereka, John, yang pergi hilang pada perjalanan berburu. Namun, ayah mereka bukanlah pemburu yang khas: ia berburu makhluk supranatural seperti hantu, vampir, dan roh dan dia melatih anak-anaknya untuk melakukan hal yang sama. Sepanjang jalan, Sam dan Dean menyelamatkan orang-orang tak berdosa, makhluk melawan dan hantu, dan mengumpulkan petunjuk tentang keberadaan ayah mereka. Sam mulai mengembangkan kemampuan psikis misterius dan visi saat mereka bepergian. Mereka akhirnya menemukan bersatu kembali dengan ayah mereka, yang mengungkapkan bahwa makhluk yang menewaskan ibu Sam dan Dean tahun sebelumnya adalah Kuning-mata (Azazel) dan satu-satunya yang bisa membunuhnya adalah senjata legendaris yang diciptakan oleh Samuel Colt. 
Supernatural (musim 2)
Musim Dua terdiri dari 22 episode yang ditayangkan pada Kamis pukul 21:00 di Amerika Serikat yang dimulai September 28, 2006, dan berakhir 17 Mei 2007. [121]Musim berikut Sam dan Dean saat mereka berurusan dengan kematian ayah mereka dan terus berburu Kuning-Mata, yang menyebabkan kebakaran yang menyebabkan kematian ibu mereka dan kemudian, pacar Sam, Jessica. Mereka mendapatkan bantuan dari Ellen sekutu baru, Jo, dan Ash. Bagian dari rencana induk Kuning-Mata adalah akhirnya terungkap saat ia mengumpulkan Sam dan orang lain seperti dia, yang mengarah ke Sam sekarat. Dean membuat kesepakatan di persimpangan jalan untuk membawa kembali Sam ganti nyawanya, yang akan dikumpulkan dalam satu tahun. Dalam konfrontasi terakhir, di mana Dean membunuh Kuning-Mata, gerbang dibuka, melepaskan kemarahan dari dalam.[Sunting]
Supernatural (musim 3)
Musim Tiga terdiri dari 16 episode yang ditayangkan pada Kamis pukul 21:00 di Amerika Serikat yang dimulai 4 Oktober 2007, dan berakhir 15 Mei 2008. [122] Originally 22 episode diperintahkan untuk musim ketiga, tapi produksi dihentikan pada 5 Desember 2007, setelah selesai dari episode kedua belas karena 2007-2008 Writers Guild mogok Amerika. Jumlah musim ini kemudian diperpendek menjadi enam belas episode, dengan empat episode baru ditayangkan pada bulan April dan Mei 2008. [123]Musim terutama berfokus pada berusaha menyelamatkan Dean dari kesepakatan dan melacak kemarahan yang dirilis dari pintu gerbang. Sepanjang jalan, saudara-saudara bertemu Ruby, yang memiliki minat pada Sam dan klaim untuk dapat membantu menyelamatkan Dean. Juga, mereka bertemu Bela Talbot, sebuah "pengakuisisi" dan penjual benda-benda gaib, yang selalu menjadi duri dalam daging mereka. Saudara-saudara akhirnya mempelajari apa yang iblis memegang kontrak Dean: makhluk dari kekuatan besar yang bernama Lilith. Saudara-saudara, bersama dengan Ruby, melacak ke bawah dan berusaha untuk membunuhnya. Lilith tidak mampu menghentikan Sam karena kemampuan misterius, namun, kontrak berakhir Dekan dan jiwanya diambil.
Supernatural (musim 4)
Four Season terdiri dari 22 episode yang ditayangkan pada Kamis pukul 21:00 di Amerika Serikat yang dimulai September 18, 2008, dan berakhir 14 Mei 2009. [124]Dean diselamatkan dari neraka dan dibawa kembali oleh seorang malaikat bernama Castiel, salah satu dari beberapa malaikat yang muncul sepanjang musim. Sisa musim ini mengikuti saudara-saudara karena mereka bekerja dengan Castiel untuk menghentikan rencana Lilith melanggar segel 66, yang akan memungkinkan Lucifer berjalan bebas sekali lagi. Hubungan Sam dan Dean juga tegang sebagai Sam mulai berpihak dengan Ruby lebih dari Dean. Dia juga mulai memberikan ke sisi jahat nya dengan minum darah setan untuk menjadi cukup kuat untuk mengalahkan Lilith. Setelah melacak dan membunuh Lilith, Sam belajar kematiannya sebenarnya adalah segel terakhir dan Ruby menipu dirinya selama ini. Dean datang terlambat untuk menghentikan dia, tetapi membunuh Ruby sebagai penjara Lucifer membuka di bawah mereka.
Supernatural (musim 5)
Musim Lima terdiri dari 22 episode [125] dan diisukan menjadi musim lalu, karena pernyataan Eric Kripke selama bertahun-tahun bahwa dia telah merencanakan untuk pertunjukan untuk menjalankan hanya lima musim. [25] Meskipun demikian, Jared Padalecki dan Jensen Ackles memiliki kontrak untuk musim keenam, [126] dan The CW baru seri pada tanggal 16 Februari 2010. [4]Musim kelima berkisar perjuangan untuk menghentikan Lucifer dan menyelamatkan dunia dari Wahyu. Sepanjang musim, Dean dan Sam pertempuran baik malaikat dan setan karena mereka melawan takdir mereka untuk menjadi pembuluh Michael dan Lucifer.Tidak untuk mengalahkan Lucifer, mereka mengumpulkan cincin dari Empat Penunggang Kuda dari Kitab Wahyu, yang bertindak sebagai kunci ke penjara Lucifer. Ide takdir vs kebebasan dan pilihan memainkan peran besar. Sepanjang musim, Dean, Sam, Castiel, dan Bobby masing-masing memiliki krisis karena mereka dekat menyerah. Namun, melalui dukungan satu sama lain, mereka terus maju sampai akhir. Castiel pemberontak melawan Surga untuk Dean di musim ini. Hal ini juga dicatat bahwa Bobby dan Castiel memiliki persahabatan yang berlangsung selama musim ini, sementara Dean dan Sam tumbuh lebih jauh terpisah. 
Supernatural (musim 6)
Enam Musim terdiri dari 22 episode. Eric Kripke Pencipta awalnya direncanakan untuk menunjukkan bertahan hanya lima musim, namun karena peningkatan peringkat dari musim keempat dan kelima, [127] jaringan CW baru seri untuk musim keenam. [128] Kripke belum dikembalikan sebagai showrunner, tapi masih tetap sebagai produsen tangan-pada eksekutif, produser eksekutif meninggalkan Sera Gamble untuk mengambil alih kendali. [127]Musim keenam dimulai setahun setelah kejadian akhir kelima dengan Dekan hidup agak senang dengan Lisa dan Ben. Sam kembali ke dunia yang hidup dan tim dengan Dean, yang enggan meninggalkan kehidupan yang baru di belakang. Sam telah bekerja di bawah Samuel dalam rangka untuk berburu dan menangkap monster Alpha hidup (pertama dari kolam gen). Castiel hampir tidak berguna lagi karena perang saudara di Surga telah mengambil korban. Hal ini menemukan bahwa Samuel adalah mengikuti perintah Crowley dalam pertukaran untuk kembali putrinya. Crowley ingin menggunakan Alpha untuk mencari Api Penyucian, di mana terdapat koleksi besar jiwa-jiwa yang dapat digunakan untuk kekuasaan. Castiel dibawa kembali Sam sengaja tanpa jiwanya, dan Dean mohon bantuan dari Kematian Horseman untuk mengambilnya. Kematian menempatkan dinding di pikiran Sam sehingga ia tidak akan ingat Neraka. Sam tua kembali tanpa memori dari tahun lalu. Ternyata Castiel membuat kesepakatan dengan Crowley untuk masing-masing dari mereka untuk menerima setengah dari jiwa-jiwa di Api Penyucian. Dean tidak suka ide itu dan mencoba untuk menghentikan duo. Untuk menghentikan Winchester bersaudara dan Bobby, Castiel mengetuk bawah penghalang mental dalam Sam. Castiel berakhir kontraknya dengan Crowley setelah Crowley mendurhakai perintah untuk meninggalkan winchesters dan milik mereka sendiri. Crowley kemudian menjadi sekutu dengan Raphael dan melakukan ritual untuk membuka pintu Api Penyucian. Hal ini gagal karena mereka memiliki darah anjing palsu dan Castiel muncul penuh daya dari telah melakukan ritual sendiri. Dia melenyapkan lolos Raphael dan Crowley. Ketika winchesters mencoba untuk berbicara Castiel ke alasannya, dia mengungkapkan bahwa dia bukan malaikat lagi: ia telah menjadi Tuhan baru. 
Supernatural (musim 7)
Pada tanggal 26 April 2011, CW mengumumkan pembaruan awal untuk lima pertunjukan untuk musim 2012 yang termasuk musim ketujuh untuk Supernatural dengan 23 episode.Musim ketujuh ditayangkan pada tanggal 23 September 2011.Mendeklarasikan dirinya dewa baru, Castiel pergi keluar untuk menghukum para pengikut Raphael malaikat. Castiel, bagaimanapun, secara tidak sengaja menyerap kekuatan lebih tua dari jiwa-jiwa di Api Penyucian: yang Leviathans yang telah dipenjarakan di sana sebelumnya. Castiel upaya untuk melepaskan diri dari jiwa-jiwa Api Penyucian, tapi gagal untuk mengusir Leviathans, yang kemudian membunuhnya dan melarikan diri untuk melampiaskan malapetaka.


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bunaken beach is good for holiday


 Bunaken is one of Indonesia's most famous diving and snorkeling areas and it draws visitors from all over the world. In addition to banana-shaped Bunaken Island itself, the 890 km2 of marine national park includes the neighboring islands of Manado Tua (a distinctive cone-shaped extinct volcano), Siladen, Montehagen,Nain, and Nain Kecil.
 Some 20,000 local inhabitants make their living from the waters in the Bunaken National Marine Park, and this has inevitably led to some conflicts. By and large though, the co-operation between national and local government authorities, conservation groups, business owners and local communities has been very successful here. This has led many to cite Bunaken as a model example of how Indonesia should be preserving its natural marine treasures.

 Bunaken was formally established as a national marine park in 1991.


Mangroves on the east coast of Bunaken
Mangroves on the east coast of Bunaken

 The park is famed for the clarity of its water (35m visibility is common in the summer dry season), the abundance of coral and fish, and for the precipitous "walls" at some sites. Bunaken Timur, right off the east coast of the island and featuring all of the above, is rated by many as the single best dive site in all Indonesia.
 In places the water is extremely deep here - 1,500 metres plus.

Flora and fauna
 Bunaken has a quite stunning biodiversity including:

  • No less than 70 different genera of coral 
  • five species of sea turtle 
  • an extraodinary range of fish - 70% of all fish species that exist in the Indo-Western Pacific Ocean are found here 
  • white tip and black tip reef-sharks are common 
  • wonderful resident dugongs 
  • barracuda and tuna make regular appearences from more pelagic waters 
  • occasionally saltwater crocodiles 


 Bunaken is barely a degree above the equator and thus tropical. The wet season, from November to mid-April, brings frequent rains sometimes in storms lasting for several days which freshen the air nicely but also reduce marine visibility. The dry season is from May to October, when temperatures climb to a roasting 35° and visibility reaches a maximum.

 Bunaken receives less rain than the north Sulawesi mainland and is well ventilated with sea breezes.

Get in

 Bunaken is about 45 to 60 minutes by boat from Manado.

 Most resorts will arrange transfers from the airport for their guests.

 Alternatively, a public boat leaves daily except Sundays at 2-3PM from the canal on the north side of Manado market. The cost is Rp 25,000 one way for tourists and Rp 10,000 for locals. It returns to Manado from the jetty in Bunaken village around 8 to 8:30AM every morning except on Sundays.

 You also can charter a private boat to bunaken in the Manado harbor (behind the Celebes Hotel.


 As of September 2008, entry to the park costs Rp 50,000 per day or Rp 150,000 per calendar year. Children below 10 years are exempt.

 Even though the fee is not automatically levied upon entrance to the park, it is the responsibility of all visitors to pay it and reputable dive shops & resorts will always charge this to their guests. As proof of payment, you will receive a waterproof plastic tag that must be carried at all times. Spot checks are not uncommon by the patrol boats.

 The park is managed by a multi-stakeholder board comprising of government and non-government members to include representatives of the 30,000 people who live within the boundaries of the park. Though deemed by some as not being transparent and lacking in effectiveness, the management board together with the water police have, over the years, been able to stop cyanide fishing, dynamite fishing and more recently participated in the release of 700 napoleon wrasse that had been illegally caught in and around the park. Though not perfect and certainly having room for improvement, the management board does have an important role in the conservation of the area and this could not happen without the support of all visitors in adhering to the purchase of the entrance tag.

Get around
 Pathways connect the various settlements around Bunaken. Many are effectively impassable after rain. Ojeks are the motorised from of transport around the island but visitors are encouraged to walk. Watch out if walking along the coastline, as the beach may disappear when the high tide rolls in.

beauty of bunaken


 Tourism on Bunaken has been very much geared towards serious divers over the years but the trend seems to be changing. More and more casual snorkelers are visiting the area as are those who wish to just relax immersed in nature. Possible activities for landlubbers include:

 Beach-combing, especially at low tide when the reef top is accessible.
Hiking to some of the secluded coves on the eastern and northern part of the island. Trails are poorly marked.

 Fishing, but only outside of the park boundaries. Hire a boat or join one of the local fishermen.
Dolphin & Whale watching, either on diveboat trips or by hiring a boat privately.


 The thing to do in Bunaken is dive, dive and dive! However, the steep walls and occasionally strong, rapidly changing currents mean that many sites cater more to the intermediate/advanced diver. There are beginner-friendly sites too and all dive shops can arrange introduction dives and Open Water Dive courses.

 The North Sulawesi Watersports Association offers oodles of detail on diving in the park.
All dive shops in the park are affiliated with resorts, so see Sleep below for listings.

 Snorkeling is fantastic in front of many of the resorts around the island, with an incredible amount of marine life inhabiting the shallows. Remember not to snorkel without fins as the currents can sometimes be strong and change quickly even when they are not. Pick a reference point on the island and do not stray too far unless you are a very confident swimmer.


The Visitors Centre on Liang Beach sells handicrafts, t-shirts and general souvenirs.

Fish, fish and fish, usually at your dive resort.

 There is no natural potable water on Bunaken. Insist on bottled water at all times and ensure that coffee and tea are is also made with bottled water.
 The local spirit Cap Tikus (literally rat brand) is a distilled palm wine amd is actually quite nice on the rocks with a slice of lemon.
 Bintang is the number 1 beer in Indonesia and is available cold at many of the resorts.

 Most visitors choose to sleep at their dive resort, almost all of which offer full board package offers. Accommodation on Pulau Bunaken is generally expensive for Indonesian standards as the majority of people coming here are on a short holiday trip. There are no budget options for backpackers.
 Those resorts on the south and west sides of Bunaken Island are on a strip of coarse yellow sand beach whilst the frontage of those on the east side is a mixture of mangroves and small beaches.
 Bunaken Divers Seabreeze Resort (Bunaken Divers Seabreeze Resort), Bunaken white sands beach (a short boatride away from Manado), ☎ +62 811 439558 ,
Bunaken Kuskus Resort, Pangalisang Beach (10 min walking from Bunaken Village), ☎ +62 813 40000116 ,  checkin: 12 noon; checkout:1PM or any desire time. Rp 150,000-250,000 per person/night.
Bastianos Dive Resort, ☎ +62 431 3325678 (,  Full service dive resort.
Bunaken Beach Resort, ☎ +62 813 40037657 (, Dive resort, scuba diving and snorkelling. Has its own private beach and a beautiful sea view with mountainous mainland in the background..
Bunaken Cha Cha Nature Resort, (On the eastern side of Bunaken), ☎ +62 813 56930370 , 10 cottages all with en-suite bathrooms (hot water showers), large balconies, all superior cottages are equipped with A/C. Private white sand beach, "House Reef" with floating pontoon for snorkellers, massage treatments available. Restaurant above the beach, wifi throughout the resort, PADI dive centre. Skype: bunakenchacha. Packages from US$70 per person/per night ; accommodation & dive packages from US$150 per person/per night..
Bunaken Village Resort, (Pangalisang beach on the east coast of Bunaken),. 8 cottages, restaurant, dive shop, beach bar, and swimming pool around a small landscaped garden. Rooms €25-28, 2 boat dives €45.
Cicak Senang Resort (Happy Gecko), Liang Beach, ☎ +62 852 5665 0099 (,. Five comfortable wooden bungalows on a hillside with spacious bathroom and sea views. Beachside restaurant and bar. Good snorkelling right in front of the resort. Dive center on the premises. Daily dive trips, PADI courses, snorkelling tours and dolphin watching tours. Families with children welcome. €22 per person/night fullboard. edit
Froggies Divers, Liang Beach, Bunaken, Manado, ☎ +62 812 4301356 , +62 812 4301464 (,. A PADI dive resort in the middle of the Bunaken National Marine Park; 12 cozy wooden bungalows with veranda, all facing the sea, ventilator, western type bathrooms with hot & cold water showers, free wifi, free laundry service, Indonesian specialty food, return transfer to airport. 3 new wooden dive-boats; max 2-4 divers per guide. Belgian GM and a PADI instructor who speaks Dutch, English, French, German and basic bahasa Indonesian. Friendly atmosphere and personal service.
Living Colours, ☎ +62 812 4306063 ,. Diver-oriented resort run by the shop of the same name. The bungalows are spacious and clean.Rooms €35/person including three meals.
Lorenso's Bungalows, (5 min down the coast from Living Colours),. Basic bungalows for Rp 125,000-250,000/person.
Panorama Resort. The food is good, but you have to buy your own drinking water. Tea and coffee are only available at mealtimes and if you ask for it. Very friendly staff, large amounts of very nice food and patient and friendly German Dive instructor. Heince Pontoh as a divemaster shows you all the little stuff! From Rp 135,000. Rooms for Rp 150,000 have a view on the sea but are quite basic.
Two Fish Divers, ☎ +62 811 432805 ,. Small PADI Gold Palm IDC Resort based on Bunaken Island. Cottages are basic but comfortable, and are right in front of the mangroves. The food is reliable, if monotonous. Offers fun dives for experienced and inexperienced divers, with small groups of 2-4 divers per dive guide. Also offers a full range of PADI dive courses from Open Water Course through to Instructor. Rooms from €15/person..
Bunaken Island Resort (, Liang Beach (North Sulawesi), ☎ +31 6 2470 1673 ,. 2 villas (150 m²) and 6 bungalows (60 m²), all in the Indonesian Minahasa style and tastefully furnished. Balinese-style en-suite bathrooms with a hot shower tub and an open-roof shower, wifi throughout, A/C, grand balconies with large hammocks are standard. Tours can be arranged. Villas & bungalows from €55-79 per person/night including daily 3 meals, coffee, tea and drinking water.
Raja Laut Dive Resort ( +62 813 4060 8933 ), Pangalisan Beach (, checkin: 11AM; checkout: 9AM. Small cosyeco dive lodge with a family atmosphere on the east side of Bunaken Is. Good views, no mangroves on the seafront and direct access to the beach and reef. Accomodation in 60 m² wooden Minahasa style bungalows. King size beds, mosquito nets, big terraces, hammocks, ceiling fans, hot water, guest towels. Diving is in small groups with one dive guide for every 2-3 divers. All dive equipment is included and in new condition, comfortable 15 m diving boat. PADI dive centre with courses of every level. Roberto is an Italian marine biologist and underwater photographer and will help to classify species and giving tips for better shots and special attention for macro photographers. Dive packages with 2-3 dives daily. Restaurant on the beach with fresh fish and an Italian influence. Water, coffee, tea, seasonal fruit included and available all day long. Dolphins, fishing, whale watching and snorkelling trips can be organised. Rooms €25-45, cost of single dive €30.
On Siladen Island
Onong Resort, Siladen Island, (,. A boutique dive resort operated by Celebes Divers. 7 individual cottages, all with A/C and 24/7 electrical power. Indonesian and Italian cuisine, full service dive shop and a serious marine biology research centre.
Siladen Resort & Spa, Siladen Island, ☎ +62 811 4300641 ,. checkin: 2PM; checkout: 10AM. Boutique resort aimed both non-diving visitors and keen divers. The resort offers 5 individual beach view and 10 garden view villas, a traditional spa, a large salt water pool, dining and in-house PADI diving centre offering a full range of courses.

Stay safe
 There are no unusual health risks in the park, aside from the standard set of easily avoided venomous marine critters. Stinging jellyfish are found only occasionally, primarily during the change of the seasons in spring and autumn.

 Bunaken is considered to be a malaria-free zone. Nearby areas of North Sulawesi are malarial though (but not rampantly so).

 Saltwater crocodiles may be encountered close to river mouths and mangroves, although no official populations survey has been done in quite some time, making it impossible to know whether or not they still exist in the area.
Get out
 Back to Manado which is well connected to all major cities in Indonesia.
referensi =

Monday, December 12, 2011

ho to make stencil with photosop

A stencil is a thin sheet of material, such as paper, plastic, or metal, with letters or a design cut from it, used to produce the letters or design on an underlying surface by applying pigment through the cut-out holes in the material. The key advantage of a stencil is that it can be reused to repeatedly and rapidly produce the same letters or design. The design produced with a stencil is also called a stencil. The context in which stencil is used makes clear which meaning is intended. Although aerosol or painting stencils can be made for one-time use, typically they are made to be reusable. To be reusable, they must remain intact after a design is produced and the stencil is removed from the work surface. With some designs, this is done by connecting stencil islands (sections of material that are inside cut-out "holes" in the stencil) to other parts of the stencil with bridges (narrow sections of material that are not cut out).
Stencil technique in visual art is also referred to as pochoir. A related technique (which has found applicability in some surrealist compositions) is aerography, in which spray-painting is done around a three-dimensional object to create a negative of the object instead of a positive of a stencil design. This technique was used in cave paintings dating to 10,000 BC, where human hands were used in painting hand print outlines among paintings of animals and other objects. The artist sprayed pigment around his hand by using a hollow bone, blown by mouth to direct a stream of pigment.
Screen printing also uses a stencil process, as does mimeography. The masters from which mimeographed pages are printed are often called "stencils." Stencils can be made with one or many colour layers using different techniques, with most stencils designed to be applied as solid colours. During screen printing and mimeography the images for stenciling are broken down into color layers. Multiple layers of stencils are used on the same surface to produce multi-colored images.


Paintings where the hand was used as a stencil, in a cave in Argentina
Stencil paintings of hands were common throughout the prehistoric period. Stencils may have been used to colour cloth for a very long time; the technique probably reached its peak of sophistication in Katazome and other techniques used on silks for clothes during the Edo period in Japan. In Europe, from about 1450 they were commonly used to colour old master prints printed in black and white, usually woodcuts.This was especially the case with playing-cards, which continued to be coloured by stencil long after most other subjects for prints were left in black and white. Stencils were used for mass publications, as the type didn't have to be hand-written.

sumber wikipedia

How to using halftones in photosop

I am making a step by step process of coloring my line work, starting now, so this may take a while! Hopefully this may help someone.

You need your artwork to be at the printing size you want on the tshirt. My image size here is 12x19 inches at 300 dpi.
As shown, you need to have your line work on a layer by itself. Note that only black is present on the layer, no white or any other color.
If you draw scan your artwork in, you can use the super handy photoshop action here:

Running this action will give you a layer that isolates your art on a separate transparent layer, like in the picture above.

Step 2.

Ok your linework is isolated without any colors.
In your layers palette, click on the new layer button, and make sure you drag it below your layer with your linework.
Now select a neutral gray color in your color picker and press ctrl+backspace (you can also use the paint bucket tool) to fill the entire layer you just created with the gray color.

Step 3.

In this stage I am going to add my highlights to my image. I am not concerned with colors yet, because getting the values right is more important.
First, create a new layer right above the gray layer.
Click on the layer to make it active. Now choose black in your color picker. Next in the brush setting make sure your opacity is set to around 15 percent.

Ok start painting the highlights in.
Even though it looks like i am painting shadows, these will actually be highlights where the light is hitting. For the sake of the tutorial, i'll just do the fox and surrounding area.
With the low brush opacity, you will be able to layer the brush strokes so that you get a pretty smooth tone.

Step 5: halftoning

Ok now I am ready to turn my highlights into halftones.
First hold down ctrl and click on the thumbnail of the layer that you just painted on. You should get the "marching ants" showing that you have made a slection.
With the selection still active, open your channel palette and make a new channel. rename it to "highlights"

Press alt + backspace to fill the slection with white. Now deselect everything by pressing control+d. Go to filter-pixilate-color halftone.

Put in the settings as shown. a bigger max radius makes your halftone dots bigger. I like around 7 or 8 at this size.

Now you should have a set of halftone dots on the "highlights" channel.

Step 6

Click the top channel's eye to make all the rgb or cmyk channels visible. Click the eye of the highlights channel to hide it.
Next go to the layers palette (f7)
Step 7

now make a new empty layer above the layer you painted, and delete the layer you painted.

Step 8

Go to select, load selection, and click on the channel you created in the drop down menu

Step 9
pick a color you want to use for your highlights, and press ctrl+backspace to fill your selection with it.
Step 10

Halftones are now done. The process is the same for the shadows. Underneath the linework, highlight and shadow layers you can paint your other colors

sumber =

study make a design clothing

eyes of devil fox   
i made this picture because it was inspired by the symbol of mozilla fire fox..
hope you like it still learning and learning...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Jual Kain Tenun Ikat Troso SBY

Kain Tenun Troso SBY

beberapa contoh kain tenun troso SBY

Kain troso sby
Kain SBY tersebut terbuat dari benang CSM katun. Dan kualitas pada kain SBYtersebut adalah kualitas A.
Ukuran  kain SBY tersebut adalah 105cm x 250cm Dan apabila konsumen memiliki desain sendiri atau sempel contoh yang di inginkan maka kami siap untuk membuatkannya.
Menerima pesanan ECER dan GROSIR
Harga 175.000,00
belum termasuk ongkir tiap daerah berbeda ongkir

Kain Misris Tenun Ikat Troso CSM 

Contoh motif kain tenun misris cms

Jenis Produk    : Kain Misris
Kain tenun misris CMS
Kualitas            : A
Ukuran             : 110cm x 250cm
Bahan               : CSM-CSM(katun)
Harga :Rp.195.000,00
belum termasuk ongkir

Kain tenun troso sby sutera motif hujan grimis

Produk : Kain SBY
Bahan : Sutera
Kain tenun troso SBY sutera motif garis
Kode : F1
Ukuran : 110cm X 250cm
Motif : Hujan Grimis dan ada juga motif garis
Harga : Rp.185.000
belum termasuk ongkir

Kain Tenun Baron
Dapatkan koleksi kain tenun baron di toko kami. kain tenun baron yang kami produksi di tenun dengan ATBM(alat tenun bukan mesin). supaya hasil tenun baron benar-benar maksimal maka proses produksi di butuhkan tenaga ahli yang sudah berpengalaman di bidang tenun supaya hasil yang di kerjakannya bisa se'efisien mingkin.

Motif  dan Kualitas Tenun Baron
Kain tenun troso sutera baron
motif tenun baron yang kami produksi beraneka macam modelnya. motif kaltim, bunga, kotak-kotak dan masih banyak lagi pilihan motifnya. Jadi konsumen memiliki banyak pilihan. konsumen pun bisa memilih warna dan motif  yang di inginkannya dan kami siap untuk membuatkannya.
Kualitas tenun baron yang kami produksi adalah kualitas A. Jadi konsumen tidak usah meragukan kualitasnya. Dan produk tenun baron kami bisa di bandingkan kualitasnya dengan  buatan pengrajin lainnya.
Produk Tenun Baron
produk tenun baron yang kami produksi ada 2 macam, yaitu tenun baron yang di buat dari bahan vilamen dan bahan sutra. Tenun baron yang terbuat dari bahan vilamen memiliki tekstur kain yang mengkilap dan harganya pun terjangkau untuk kalangan umum. Dan tenun baron yang berbahan sutra memiliki tekstur kain yang lembut dan terkesan benar-benar elegan. selain Dengan tekstur kain yang lembut, tenun baron berbahan sutra ini kalau sudah menjadi baju kalau dan kalau di pakai terasa halus dan tidak panas, Karena kainnya mampu menyerap kringat dengan baik. Harga tenun baron bahan vilamen Rp.250.000 dan tenun baron sutera Rp.625.000 tapi saat ini hanya tinggal tersedia kain tenun sutera baron.
Kain Sutera Baron
Kain sutera baron
Size : 115cm x 275cm
Harga :Rp.625.000
belum termasuk ongkir
Kain Sutera Baron Sulam
Bahan baku yang di gunakan untuk produksi sutera baron sulam adalah benang Sutera.
Ukuran Sutera Baron Sulam ini  adalah 115cm x 275cm. Dengan ukuran 115cm x 275cm, Maka Kain sutera baron sulam tersebut dapat di gunakan untuk kemeja lengan panjang.
Harga  :Rp.750.000
belum termasuk ongkir
Keterangan Kain Sutra Baron Sulam
  • Jenis kain Sutra Baron Sulam
  • Bahan Sutra
  • Kualitas A
  • Ukuran 115cm x 275cm
Desain Sutera Baron Sulam
kain Sutera baron sulam dengan warna merah maron di kombinasikan dengan sukam motif lancip dengan warna biru menambahkan kesan yang mewah. Warna merah maron adalah warna yang netral sehingga cocok di pakai untuk kulit yang berwarna gelap atau terang.
Bahan Sutera Baron Sulam
Bahan baku yang di gunakan untuk membuat kain sutera baron sulam adalah benang sutera. Dengan bahan baku benang sutera akan memberikan kenyamanan tersendiri bagi pemakainya. Karena apabila sudah menjadi kemeja pada saat di pakai terasa lembut dan nyaman. Itulah sekilas tentang info sutera baron sulam.

jika anda ingin memesan hubungi saya
sekian dan terima kasih :-)


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