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One of the written historical record of Jepara, Tomé Pires in his book is written very well known, Suma Oriental, which contains the record of his travels in the north coast of Java island between the months of November 1513 - January 1515. Tome Pires in the record-which is widely used by experts to write the history books-mentioned, in the year 1470 Jepara is a new coastal city inhabited by 90-100 people and is led by East Aryo. With perseverance, tenacity, fortitude, and perseverance, East Aryo successfully developed a small coastal town surrounded by a fortress of wood and bamboo, into an airport big enough. In fact, he also managed to extend its power to Bengkulu and Tanjung Pura, Jepara though still under the authority of Demak.
Then, in 1507 East Aryo succeeded by his son named Pati Unus which at that time was seventeen years old. As a ruler that is still relatively young, Pati Unus known to be very dynamic. He not only managed to develop a fleet of war, but he was able to continue the struggle his father in the fields of economics, making Jepara as a trading port. Jepara became a trading center on the north coast of Java island.
Less than five years of leading the Jepara, Pati Unus has combined fleet of war with a fleet of war from Palembang, to attack the entrenched Portuguese colonialism in Malacca because it is seen to threaten the existence of Jepara. Pati Unus fleet of 100 ships, the smallest weighing 200 tons-was arrived at Malacca on January 1, 1513. Unfortunately, this attack fails. Of the 100 boats that were sent to Malacca, only 8 pieces that can be returned to Jepara. This failure by the Portuguese writer, Joan de Baros in his book "Chronicles of King D. Manoel, Pati Unus "make Pati Unus very sorry and disappointed, so he ordered the largest ship that can go back to Jepara, enshrined as a monument to the war on the coast of Jepara.
Pati Unus Falatehan later replaced by brother in law, whose name was not recorded in history. He came to power in 1521 until the year 1536. In his reign, Jepara helped seize Falatehan in Banten and Sunda Kelapa, including expel the Portuguese from the Sunda Kelapa in 1527.
Then by the Sultan Trenggono, Jepara handed over to law named Princes Attend in 1536. Retno Kencono husband was eventually killed by Ario Penangsang, as a result of the seizure of power in the kingdom of Demak. The death of Prince Attends make Retno Kencana deeply grieved that he meditated in the hills Danaraja. He promised, will not stop imprisoned before her husband's murderer was killed. Retno Golden Hope has finally materialized after Ario Penangsang killed by Kyai Plared Sutowijoyo with spears.
Retno Kencana then got out of the hermitage and sworn in as the ruler with the title of Queen Kalinyamat Jepara. This coronation took place with Surya Sengkolo Trus Earth Works Tataning allegedly committed on 12 Rabi-Beginning or April 10, 1549. Thanks to the leadership of Queen Kalinyamat, Jepara in a short time has grown not only as the largest airport on the north coast of Java island, but also has a very powerful war fleet. By the Portuguese author, Diego De Tjonto, Queen Kalinyamat described as "Rainha de Jepara Senhora pederose e rica," namely the Queen of Jepara, a woman who is very powerful.
Kalinyamat queen who ruled for 30 years, in addition to attack Malacca that time never was ruled by Portuguese colonialism twice, have also proven successful in bringing to the top kerjayaannya Jepara. Jepara grown into the largest trading port in the coastal island of Java. In this era, the craft began to flourish in Jepara carving. One proof of the inevitable is the ornament at the mosque Mantingan, where Princes Attend the funeral. The mosque was built in the reign of Queen Kalinyamat this, the panels on the walls are decorated with reliefs of the line-shaped braces. While the chosen motif and decoration and engraved there in the form of herbs, lotus flowers and animals, mountains, mountains, gardening, and the smell of bats.
Queen Kalinyamat then succeeded by his adopted son named Prince Jepara in power from 1549 until 1599, at which point it must end its rule because it was invaded by Panembahan Senopati of Mataram.
After the era of Jepara kingdom collapsed, authorities estimated vacancy occurs, so that until the year 1616 is not recorded history who led the Jepara. Only in the year, led by Kyai Jepara recorded Demat Admiral who was later replaced in sequence by Kyai Wirasetia, Kyai Manggala Patra, Kyai Wiradika, Ngabehi Wangsadipa, Kyai Mutual Manggala, Kyai Waradika, Ngabehi Wangsadipa (second term), Ngabehi Wiradika, Wira Atmaka, Kyai Ngabehi Wangsadipa, Tumenggung Martapura, Tomonggong Sujanapura, Duke Citro Sumo I, Citro Sumo II, and Duke to the Sumo Citro III which also cover the history of the era of the Mataram kingdom in Jepara and entered the era of Dutch rule.
But at this time of transition Blanda was still wearing the Duke Citro Sumo III who was then replaced by Citro sumo IV, Sumo Citro V, and VI Duke Sumo Citro. After Duke Citro Sumo VI, then led by Chief of the district of Jepara Cendol. But this position is not long, because after the Duke returned from Citro Sumo tuban VI in 1838, he gained the trust to serve as Regent of Jepara then proceed by the Duke Citro Sumo VII. On December 22, 1857, he was succeeded by his in-laws, Raden Tumenggung Wikromo Citro, who then successively be replaced by KRMAA Sosroningrat, R.M.A.A. Koesoemo Oetoyo, and Sukahar, ending the era of Dutch rule and entered the era of Japanese military rule. At the beginning of the rule of Japan, the regent of Jepara entrusted to RAA Soemitro Oetoyo who served until the beginning of independence, ie until December 1949.
Jepara is located less strategic, because are not on the main traffic lane conditions, makes little impression "tersingkur" lies. Therefore for these areas are not left behind by other areas of the Jepara must have "petingan" which has a comparative advantage or competitive value high and built on potential.
From karakteristrik area, then the potential that exists in addition to agriculture and tourism is the potential for small industries. Agriculture is continue to be developed as potential raw materials in order to safeguard and secure food self-sufficiency. But agricultural development is also accompanied by full awareness, that one day an increasingly narrow agricultural land will reach saturation point, although an attempt is made diversification, extensification, rehabilitation, and intensification. Moreover, owners of agricultural land on average only 0.3 hectares, so it needs to support the development of industrial areas so that economic growth can be maintained masarakat.
For that selected industry with deep roots in the economic structure msyarakat Jepara, namely small industries. Therefore, since 1991 made the development of rural industry program, development of entrepreneurship, the program that beriontasi subkontrakting industry exports, industrial waste development programs, support systems, the application of production techniques and technology and industrial development program of household, industrial small and medium enterprises.
The program aims to encourage self-reliance of small industrial entrepreneurs in the centers of the target and poverty alleviation by penyediyaan employment in small industrial sector. in addition it also aims to improve competitiveness and encourage creativity, motivation, industry and improve the technical service units, wood carving, increased promotion, and product information.
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