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Tourism Object Kartini Beach is located 2.5 km to the west of Jepara Regency Hall. This tourist attraction located in administrative districts Bulu Jepara
Various supporting facilities such as docks, some turtle aquarium, motel, children's games (carousel, bath balls, boats currents), and others have been available for the visitors.
Regions with an area of 3.5 ha of land is a strategic area, because as the sea transportation routes to the National marine park attractions karimunjawa and Long Island. Now is also readily available means of transportation to the Publications of the KMP Kartini Beach pier. Muria (travel time 6 hours) and Quick Ship Kartini I (travel time 2.5 hours).
on the beach there is a monument that supposedly belong to anchor Dampo Awang who lost a fight against Sunan Bonang. The battle on the ship causing the vessel Kerem (sink) and kemambang (float) so that there is a link with the name of the city Apex.
Regardless of whether or not the myth, Kartini Beach is interesting to visit. Conditions sloping beaches and shallow, calm wave, clean, and has a stretch of soft sand make the visitors especially children linger at home there.
Tourism Object Kartini Beach is located 2.5 km to the west of Jepara Regency Hall. This tourist attraction located in administrative districts Bulu Jepara
Various supporting facilities such as docks, some turtle aquarium, motel, children's games (carousel, bath balls, boats currents), and others have been available for the visitors.
Regions with an area of 3.5 ha of land is a strategic area, because as the sea transportation routes to the National marine park attractions karimunjawa and Long Island. Now is also readily available means of transportation to the Publications of the KMP Kartini Beach pier. Muria (travel time 6 hours) and Quick Ship Kartini I (travel time 2.5 hours).
on the beach there is a monument that supposedly belong to anchor Dampo Awang who lost a fight against Sunan Bonang. The battle on the ship causing the vessel Kerem (sink) and kemambang (float) so that there is a link with the name of the city Apex.
Regardless of whether or not the myth, Kartini Beach is interesting to visit. Conditions sloping beaches and shallow, calm wave, clean, and has a stretch of soft sand make the visitors especially children linger at home there.
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